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Missions Ministry

The aim of the Missions Ministry of SKMC is to support her strategy to reach out to the community and the world, and to fulfil the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19, 20) and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to be His witnesses “unto the uttermost parts of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

To promote a heart to share the love of God, various opportunities are provided for SKMC members to be involved in missions works:

  • Digital Missions
  • Missions at our doorstep
  • Short-Term Cross-Cultural Missions
  • Full-Time Local or Overseas Missions

Serve with Us

Partnering with God in missions begins with getting in touch. We’d love to explore with you areas in which we can serve together!


Jacqueline Tan

Short-term Cross-cultural Mission Works

SKMC has organised overseas mission trips to various countries in Asia: Thailand, Cambodia, East Asia, Nepal. These trips involved:

  • Medical mission in partnership with other Methodist churches
  • Teaching of English in schools
  • Teaching Sunday school
  • Visiting homes of local believers and pre-believers
  • Outreach activities such as skits, sharing of testimony, song presentation
  • Other activities such as art and craft, games

Home-based Missions

During the Covid-19 pandemic when travel was not possible, opportunities for local and on-line missions were made available. A few of our members are currently involved in such missions works.

  • On-Line Missions Work: Teaching of English and Bible stories on-line to children and youths in a S. E. Asian country.
  • Local Missions: Reaching out to international students at a Methodist School through weekly Bible lessons and year-end Holiday Bible Camp.

Full-time Local or Overseas Mission Works

SKMC has supported full-time missionaries and their families in mission fields in partnership with Missions Agencies such as MMS and YWAM. We will continue to support members who are called by God to serve in full-time missions works.