Welcome to SKMC

31 July 2022 | 8.45am

Today’s Sermon
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan

Order of Service

+ Call to Worship
+ Songs of Praise & Worship
+ Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading

Affirmation of Faith/Response Song
+ Doxology
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Church Concerns & Announcements
Intercessory Prayer

Sending Forth
+ Song of Sending Forth
+ Benediction
+ 3-Fold Amen

+ Indicates invitation to stand (for those who are able to)

Thanksgiving, Events, and Announcements

Thanksgiving for CAC Special Conference

Thank God for the recently concluded Special Session of the Chinese Annual Conference on 23 July 2022. Delegates approved the budget for the upcoming financial year 2022/2023, as well as to approve proposals from the Board of Finance and Board of Human Resource.

We would like to specially congratulate and rejoice together with Rev Lisa Yu, who received a 15-year long-service award at the Special Session. All glory to God!

MMS Seminar: “Me, A Missionary?”

The seminar is organized by the Methodist Missions Society and it will be held on Zoom on 27 Aug 2022, 9:30am – 11:30am. Please do take the opportunity to share with your friends and children especially those who are discerning a call towards mission work. Subjects in this seminar include: financial considerations, family considerations and fundamentals of preparation will be discussed with missionaries on the field

National Day Thanksgiving Service 2022

National Council of Churches of Singapore would like to invite you to join fellow Christians in our nation for worship, prayer and thanksgiving at the National Day Thanksgiving Service, organised by NCCS to celebrate Singapore’s 57th National Day. This will be the first occasion when we can gather as a larger congregation since 2019.

Date: Thursday, 18 August 2022, 7:45pm
Venue: St Andrew’s Cathedral, New Sanctuary
Speaker: Bishop Dr Gordon Wong,
Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore & Vice-President of the National Council of Churches of S’pore
Message: “Peaceful Peacemakers” based on James 3:13–18

All are welcome. No Registration is required.

Creation Care @ SKMC

Today, we’ve heard how we are called to be responsible stewards of God’s World. One practical way SKMC is doing our part as a church is to start using reusable cups for breakfast and grace cafe today!

In addition to using reusable cups, we will need hands and feet to wash them as well. The Creation Care ministry and LCEC Leaders will kickstart this initiative by washing the used cups. But ACES is also hoping to expand the team by having the church community onboard!

If you feel that this is an area that you would like to serve in, click here.
Thank you!

Pastoral Movement

Annual Leave: Rev Dr Nathanael Goh (31 July 2022)

SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net

In such a trying time as this, we need to care for one another in Christ even more than ever. We encourage all to join the SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net (a WhatsApp Business Group Chat) to receive messages from the pastoral team. Click here to join.

Pastoral Care

These are troubled times, and the stresses we face are many. If you are in need of pastoral care and counselling, the pastors would love to come alongside you. Please make an appointment with either of the pastors directly via mobile phone or WhatsApp.

Rev Nathanael Goh: 97235374
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan: 94383049

Gifts and Attendance

For last week

Number of e-Offering Givers: 135

e-offering @ SKMC
PayNow via the QR Code or UEN

UEN No.: T00CC1467C

General Funds – $16,545.98

Pledge / Tithes

SKMC Funds – $4,337.25

Poor and Needy
Church Upgrading
Land Lease Renewal
2 Coins A Day
Second Offering

Attendance – 677

845am Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Sunday Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Saturday Service (On Site)
D’Anchor Worship & Word
Compass Kidz Sunday School
Ohana Sunday School

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