Today’s Sermon
Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey
Order of Service
+ Call to Worship
+ Songs of Praise & Worship
+ Opening Prayer
Scripture Reading
Affirmation of Faith/Response Song
+ Doxology
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Church Concerns & Announcements
Intercessory Prayer
Sending Forth
+ Song of Sending Forth
+ Benediction
+ 3-Fold Amen
+ Indicates invitation to stand (for those who are able to)
Thanksgiving, Events, and Announcements
D’Anchor Parent Engagement Session
Dear parents of D’Anchor Youth Ministry. Our youth leaders have scheduled a parent engagement session on the 14th January immediately after service. This session aims to share the vision and plans for 2024. It is essential that you attend this as it offers an opportunity to address concerns or seek clarification regarding the youth ministry. Food will be provided so please register via the church center app by 10th January. Your active participation is highly encouraged.
Pastoral Teaching (January)
Topic: Why Corporate Worship is an Important Habit for Christians?
Date: 11 January 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 8 – 930pm
Venue: Zoom
All are invited and encouraged to come!
Missions Trip Sharing Sessions
Date: 20 January 2024
Time: 2 – 4 pm
Venue: Room 2-4/5
Come and hear what God is doing in the missions field, in the lives of the local people and the trippers.
The missions trippers from both Thailand and Indonesia missions trips will share what they did and how has the trip impacted them.
SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net
In such a trying time as this, we need to care for one another in Christ even more than ever. We encourage all to join the SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net (a WhatsApp Business Group Chat) to receive messages from the pastoral team. Click here to join.
Pastoral Care
These are troubled times, and the stresses we face are many. If you are in need of pastoral care and counselling, the pastors would love to come alongside you. Please make an appointment with either of the pastors directly via mobile phone or WhatsApp.
Rev Tan Yeo Lay Suan: 9438 3049
Rev Ong Bee Keow: 9770 4215
Gifts and Attendance
For last week
Number of e-Offering Givers: 168
e-offering @ SKMC
PayNow via the QR Code or UEN
UEN No.: T00CC1467C