Welcome to SKMC

27 March 2022 | 8.45am

Today’s Sermon
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan

Order of Service

Call to Worship +
Songs of Praise & Worship +

Pastoral Prayer +
Scripture Reading

Doxology +
Church Concerns & Announcements

Sending Forth
Song of Sending Forth +
Benediction +
3-Fold Amen +

+ Indicates invitation to stand (for those who are able to)

Thanksgiving, Events, and Announcements

Caring For Your Loved Ones with Special Needs/Disability after You are Gone

Many caregivers worry about the care of their loved ones with special needs after they pass on, especially when their dependents need help with communication, self-care and decision making. In this workshop, caregivers will learn how to proactively plan for the future of their dependents, the different estate planning tools available and the legal considerations.

CAC Social Concerns Sunday

As part of our effort of reaching out to and transforming society, let’s come prepared to offer our gifts on 3 April 2022, for CAC’s Social Concerns Sunday. A second offertory will be taken up for the CAC Board of Outreach and Social Concerns. May God use us to be agents of transformation in our society!

Sengkang Methodist Preschool for Methodist Church Members

Schedule a school visit or contact us for enquires & enrolment today:
Call us: 6385 3041
Email us:
Promotion Details:

SKMC COVID-19 Relief Fund

The SKMC COVID-19 Relief Fund aims to provide financial help to members and regular worshippers in SKMC affected by the economic impact of COVID-19.

Kindly refer to SKMC’s website for more information.

SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net

In such a trying time as this, we need to care for one another in Christ even more than ever. We encourage all to join the SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net (a WhatsApp Business Group Chat) to receive messages from the pastoral team. Click here to join.

Pastoral Care

These are troubled times, and the stresses we face are many. If you are in need of pastoral care and counselling, the pastors would love to come alongside you. Please make an appointment with either of the pastors directly via mobile phone or WhatsApp.

Rev Nathanael Goh: 97235374
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan: 94383049

Gifts and Attendance

For last week

Number of e-Offering Givers: 131

e-offering @ SKMC
PayNow via the QR Code or UEN

UEN No.: T00CC1467C

General Funds – $23,835.10

Pledge / Tithes

SKMC Funds – $5,167.25

Poor and Needy
Church Upgrading
Land Lease Renewal
2 Coins A Day
COVID-19 Relief

Attendance – 557

845am Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Sunday Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Saturday Service (On Site)
D’Anchor Worship & Word
Compass Kidz

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