Welcome to SKMC

23 October 2022 | 8.45am

Today’s Sermon
Rev Dr Maggie Low

Order of Service

+ Call to Worship
+ Songs of Praise & Worship
+ Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading

Affirmation of Faith/Response Song
LCEC Installation
+ Doxology
Church Concerns & Announcements
Dedication of Sacristans (Holy Communion Preparation Team)

Sending Forth
+ Song of Sending Forth
+ Benediction
+ 3-Fold Amen

+ Indicates invitation to stand (for those who are able to)

Thanksgiving, Events, and Announcements

CBE Thanksgiving

CBE 2022 is coming to an end this week. We trust that all have experienced and expressed God’s love during this time. We would like to request all CBE groups to share they thanksgiving and photograph on the CBE padlet.

Ohana Sunday

By now, everyone will already have heard about Ohana Sunday. This is happening next week! On that day, we come together to celebrate the gifts and graces of persons with disabilities and to remember our collective commitment to build a church where no one is left behind or forgotten. There will be some special activities, food, and drinks after service for everyone to enjoy.

If you have friends or family members with special needs or disability, invite them to come on Ohana Sunday to be a part of our special Sunday. We want to get to know them and bless them with a professionally taken family portrait after worship service. We will be giving a gift voucher to special needs families to redeem their family portrait experience after Ohana Sunday service.

Finding Your Place – CAC BOYM Discipleship Program

Date: 9 January to 24 March 2023, Mondays to Fridays
Venue: Hakka Methodist Church

Are you a young person thinking about the next season of your life? Are you feeling a bit lost and directionless? Wondering what to do after graduation? Join us at FYP! FYP is a 3-month full-time discipleship program organised by the CAC BOYM and Sterling Campus. It will take place from 9 January to 24 March next year, every Monday to Friday. For more information, go to

Collection of 2nd Offering for Trinity Theological College Sunday

We will be collecting a 2nd offering today for Trinity Theological College.

CAC Advent Service

The CAC Board of Worship and Music presents an Advent service, themed “The Promise”! Do note the event will be conducted in Chinese, with dialects splashed in between! This service will also feature a combined choir formed with the various churches in CAC! Do register, and we hope to see you there!

Get photos of your church featured!

Do you have well-taken photos of your church’s cell groups/fellowships, bible studies, prayer sessions, praise & worship, Sunday services, holy communions, baptisms, and social outreach activities?

Submit them to CAC today and get a chance for photos of your church family to be featured in CAC’s 2023 Calendar! Head to or scan the QR code in the poster to submit your photos.

Photo credits will be given if your photo(s) have been utilised/chosen. Please ensure that the persons pictured are aware that photos of them could be used in our calendar. Photos submitted will only be used for CAC’s 2023 Calendar purposes.

Kindly make your submission as soon as you can, latest by 23 Oct, Sunday!

Be a part of this #CACTogether project, and show us how your CAC church has been #GrowingDisciplesofChrist through #FaithLivedOut!

SKMC Bursary 2022

The application window for SKMC Bursary 2022 is 25 Oct 2022 to 18 Nov 2022. For more details, please check SKMC’s website at

Applicants will be able to obtain a copy of the Application Form from SKMC’s Security counter at Level 1 or download the form from the QR code provided from 25 Oct 2022.


Rev Dr Maggie Low is a faculty member of Trinity Theological College, teaching all the Old Testament subjects including Hebrew and Exegesis. Formerly trained as a lawyer, she is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore and has served as a pastor for 11 years. Maggie is married to David Low, a dyslexia specialist, and they have two children (21 and 29 years old).

Staff Movement

Annual Leave
Edna Low: 26 October – 10 November 2022


We express our deepest condolences to sister Jane Tan for the passing of her beloved grandmother, Mdm Soh Ah Sah.
Please remember Jane and her family in your prayers.

SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net

In such a trying time as this, we need to care for one another in Christ even more than ever. We encourage all to join the SKMC Pastoral CARE-Net (a WhatsApp Business Group Chat) to receive messages from the pastoral team. Click here to join.

Pastoral Care

These are troubled times, and the stresses we face are many. If you are in need of pastoral care and counselling, the pastors would love to come alongside you. Please make an appointment with either of the pastors directly via mobile phone or WhatsApp.

Rev Nathanael Goh: 97235374
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan: 94383049

Gifts and Attendance

For last week

Number of e-Offering Givers: 140

e-offering @ SKMC
PayNow via the QR Code or UEN

UEN No.: T00CC1467C

General Funds – $17,990.10

Pledge / Tithes

SKMC Funds – $4,314.15

Poor and Needy
Church Upgrading
Land Lease Renewal
2 Coins A Day

Attendance – 663

845am Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Sunday Service (Online & Onsite)
11am Saturday Service (On Site)
D’Anchor Worship & Word
Compass Kidz Sunday School
Ohana Sunday School

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