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Just a few weeks ago, as I read about how the church had launched the Bible reading program through the Community Bible Experience program, I was greatly encouraged. It is indeed great to see communities and families getting back to the scriptures.

Family in Nepal

One of the main lessons that I had learnt from our Nepali Christian community is that families will have a morning prayer and evening devotion together, to begin and end their day.

Over the years, we have been trying to keep to the discipline of scripture reading and family devotion within our family. This has improved our family bonds as well as helped us to grow closer to the Lord.

Family in Missions

Another aspect in which families can grow together is through participation in missions. Our family has hosted many mission trips over the last 12 years in Nepal. We have seen many mission trippers coming as family units to serve in medical camps, children camps etc. As families serve together, they would also grow together.

For example, in a medical camp, children get to see their parents at work as they serve alongside their parents. The doctors and dentists also inspire the children and youth to serve the Lord with their skills. This has inspired many children and youth to study in the medical field.

Also, there are daily challenges faced by all during a mission trip. The children and youth get to see how the adults manage and overcome these challenges and fears first hand as they step out of their comfort zones and put their trust in God.

In addition, many of the young generation these days only see poverty through the monitor screen; as such, coming to a mission trip, many of these children and youth get to experience for themselves what poverty is like as they walk through the streets and villages.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

Seize the opportunity to impress life lessons into your family as you serve alongside in short-term mission trips.

By Sebastian Gopal